Personal friend of the Gecko: Timothy C. Lynch | 716-832-3253 1330 Niagara Falls Blvd | Tonawanda GEICO LOCAL OFFICE Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states. in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington. DC 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. GEICO Gecko image1999-2019.2019 GEICO Personal friend of the Gecko: Timothy C. Lynch | 716-832-3253 1330 Niagara Falls Blvd | Tonawanda GEICO LOCAL OFFICE Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states. in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington. DC 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. GEICO Gecko image1999-2019.2019 GEICO